Thank you! We're onto it.
What happens now?
- You will receive an email confirmation with details of this request very soon.
- We will administer the survey(s) according to the details provided in this form and send you confirmation when this has been completed.
- Your respondent will receive an email with an invitation to complete the GLWS.
- The report will go directly to the email address nominated on the form. We will only send the reports to the email address stated on the form so it’s up to you to ensure the respondent receives their report if it doesn’t go to them in the first instance. Once reports have been generated and sent to the email address(es), these will be automatically deleted immediately from our email Sent box (for privacy reasons). Please note: we may not be able to retrieve reports once sent so please ensure you ask the report recipient to store the report carefully upon receipt.
- If you have opted for MyWellbeing to be included, this will be ready by the time your respondent completes the GLWS. Their login details are provided in the same email containing their personal report so everything is conveniently available in the one place for them when they receive their GLWS Personal Report (whether this is sent directly to them upon completion or forwarded by the GLWS Accredited Practitioner/Program Manager).
Group Reports
Did you request the GLWS to a group of respondents? You may be interested to receive a Group Report.
What is a GLWS Group Report?
Group Reports provide de-identified aggregated data for a cohort of respondents who have completed the GLWS during the same project timeframe, usually (but not always) within the same organisation. The minimum requirement for a Group Report is 5 respondents.
These are available at AUD$365 per report generated or already included as part of your subscription plan.
A Group Report can be requested at any time, regardless of completion rate. This means you can request it to be generated on a specific date to accommodate workshop / group debrief timeframes or check completion status with us to assess what point you would like the report.
To request a Group Report, click here.