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Z COPY Practice Debrief – Steps 4 – 7 Debrief Prep Form Copy

Step 4: The GLWS is with your practice person Your practice person completes the survey and we will send you a link to their report. If they need to be chased or reminded to do the survey by the deadline, we will do this (nicely!) on your behalf and only come back to...

Z COPY Practice Debrief – Steps 1 to 3: Ordering GLWS Copy

Step 1: Choose your practice debrief person Choose a person to do your practice debrief with. This can be a colleague, business associate, colleague or even a family member. Or, if you want to make a more strategic choice – someone to whom you want to introduce the...

Z COPY Your Practice Debrief Copy

It's your turn to have a go! This is an important part of your accreditation and will help you practice what you’ve learned so far. Watch the video for some tips on preparation and then let us guide you step by step by expanding each section below.  Step 1: Choose...

2.3 Debrief in Action

Time: Approximately 1 hour (videos and review of the Nicky Berner GLWS Personal Wellbeing Report) Watching a debrief in action will help you understand how everything fits together and falls into place. The videos below demonstrate what a debrief could look like. This...